Workplace Risks to Families

Feb 10, 2025 - Diana Ceballos, assistant professor, UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS) is working with other researchers to emphasize safety. Workers  and their families are at risk for take-home exposures in a wide range of professions, including healthcare, construction and agriculture. Her work is focused on preventing home exposures, in which workers inadvertently transmit chemical, biological or psychosocial hazards to their families or housemates. She has developed new educational interventions at the community and home levels to reduce lead exposure, augmenting research focused on educating workers at their workplaces.  Ceballos and her team worked with a nonprofit organization in a pilot study to create graphic stories about the sequence of best practices for workers in any lead-exposed industry, including detailed instructions for outdoor, factory and small business workplaces.