There’s still space in the November 7th HEALWA webinar!

Sep 13, 2017

Using HEALWA: A Health Information Resource for Washington

1 contact hour CNE

When: Tuesday November 7, 2017 from 5-6 pm

We still have some spaces left for the HEALWA webinar on November 7th. Looking for a chance to earn 1 FREE contact hour? There is an upcoming online workshop about using HEALWA that offers 1 contact hour CNE to participants at no cost. The workshop shows participants how to set up their access to HEALWA, how to navigate the different resources, and highlights some select resources.

This continuing nursing educational activity was approved by the Washington State Nurses Association Approver of Continuing Nursing Education (A-CNE), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.