East Asian Medicine Practitioners
Integrative Medicine
- Cancer Management With Chinese Medicine
- Chinese Medicine in Fertility Disorders
- NatMed Pro (formerly Natural Medicines)
NatMed Pro - The most authoritative resource available on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary alternative and integrative therapies.> - Textbook of Natural Medicine
Textbook of Natural Medicine, 5th Edition shows how to use natural medicine, Western medicine, or a blend of both to develop scientific treatment plans and provide therapeutic interventions that support the body's own healing processes.>
Internal Medicine
- NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery
NEJM Catalyst brings together health care executives, clinical leaders, and clinicians to share innovative ideas and practical applications for enhancing the value of health care delivery.>
Multicultural Resources
- EthnoMed
The EthnoMed site contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other related issues pertinent to the health care of recent immigrants to Seattle or the US, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn parts of the world. It includes information for patients as well as for providers. >
- CINAHL Ultimate (Nursing & Allied Literature)
CINAHL Ultimate is the world's most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index> - MEDLINE Ultimate with Full Text
MEDLINE Ultimate is the largest companion to the MEDLINE index and contains full text for thousands of journals included in the index. This collection also provides full text for many of the most used medical journals. >
Selected Ebooks
- Acupuncture for Insomnia : Sleep and Dreams in Chinese Medicine
- Acupuncture: Theories And Evidence
- Cancer Management With Chinese Medicine
- Chinese Medicine in Fertility Disorders
- Clinical Handbook Of Chinese Medicine
- Essentials of Chinese Medicine : Volume 1
- Essentials of Chinese Medicine : Volume 2
- Essentials of Chinese Medicine : Volume 3
- Evidence-based Acupuncture
- Herbal Medicine: Back to the Future Cardiovascular Diseases Volume: 1
- Illustrated Chinese Moxibustion Techniques and Methods
- Textbook of Natural Medicine
- The Concise Book of Acupoints
- World Century Compendium To Tcm - Volume 2: Introduction To Diagnosis In Traditional Chinese Medicine
- World Century Compendium To Tcm - Volume 3: Introduction To Chinese Materia Medica
- World Century Compendium To Tcm - Volume 4: Introduction To Chinese Internal Medicine
- World Century Compendium To Tcm - Volume 6: Introduction To Acupuncture And Moxibustion
- eBook Medical Collection from EBSCO