
  • American Indian and Alaska Native Health
    An information portal for and about the health of Native Peoples of the United States.
  • American Optometric Association Clinical Practice Guidelines
  • CAB Abstracts
    Produced by CABI, CAB Abstracts is the leading English-language abstracts information service providing access to the world’s applied life sciences literature. Subjects Include Agriculture, Environment, Veterinary sciences, Plant sciences, Mycology and parasitology, Food science, Human health, Nutrition. 1973 - Present
  • CAB Abstracts Archive
    Covers 1900 – 1973.
  • Child Welfare Information Gateway
    Child Welfare Information Gateway connects child welfare and related professionals to comprehensive information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families. We feature the latest on topics from prevention to permanency, including child abuse and neglect, foster care, and adoption
  • CINAHL Ultimate (Nursing & Allied Literature)
    CINAHL Ultimate is the world's most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index
  • ClinicalKey
    A clinical insight engine that includes journals, ebooks, practice guidelines, drug information, CME materials, procedural videos, and patient handouts for the health professional.
    Modernized in 2024, this is the largest clinical trials database in the world. It is updated daily. Search for clinical trials by medical condition or other criteria. A service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health
  • Dietary Supplement Label Database
    The DSLD contains the full label contents from a sample of dietary supplement products marketed in the U.S.
  • Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed)
    A peer-reviewed and fully referenced database of drugs to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. Among the data included are maternal and infant levels of drugs, possible effects on breastfed infants and on lactation, and alternate drugs to consider
  • Dynamed Decisions
    Dynamed Decisions provide a growing collection of evidence-based clinical support and shared decision-making tools, created by our team of clinical experts, to enable busy clinicians to deliver highly personalized and patient-centered care in the context of an individual's risks, comorbidities, and preferences.
  • DynaMedex
    DynaMedEx is an evidence-based clinical reference tool combining clinical expertise and curated disease content.. Contains more than 3,400 topic summaries across all disciplines. Updated daily based on surveillance of over 500 journals and critical appraisal of the best articles. Includes Micromedex drug resources. A mobile app is also available.
  • Dynamic Health
    An evidence-based tool designed to help nurses and allied health professionals master skills, obtain fast answers to questions, and foster evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes. A mobile app is also available.
  • ECRI Guidelines
    Evidence-based clinical guidelines vetted by experts and evaluated against the Institute of Medicine Standards for Developing Trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines.
  • EthnoMed
    The EthnoMed site contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other related issues pertinent to the health care of recent immigrants to Seattle or the US, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn parts of the world. It includes information for patients as well as for providers.
  • Guide to Community Preventive Services (Community Guide)
    The Guide to Community Preventive Services (Community Guide) is your source for information about the effectiveness, economic efficiency, and feasibility of evidence-based interventions to promote community health and prevent disease
    Access to government and nonprofit health and human services information
  • Index to Chiropractic Literature
    The Index to Chiropractic Literature (ICL) provides indexing from 1985 to the present for most chiropractic journals
  • LactMed
    A peer-reviewed and fully referenced database of drugs to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. Among the data included are maternal and infant levels of drugs, possible effects on breastfed infants and on lactation, and alternate drugs to consider
  • LiverTox
    Clinical and research information from the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases about drug-induced liver injury
  • MEDLINE Ultimate with Full Text
    MEDLINE Ultimate is the largest companion to the MEDLINE index and contains full text for thousands of journals included in the index. This collection also provides full text for many of the most used medical journals.
  • MedlinePlus - Health Information for Patients
    Authoritative information for patients and health consumers from the US National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations.
  • MedlinePlus Health Information in Other Languages (for patients)
    Medline Health Info in Other Languages
  • National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health - Health Topics A-Z
    National Institutes of Health's lead agency for scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
  • NatMed Pro (formerly Natural Medicines)
    NatMed Pro - The most authoritative resource available on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary alternative and integrative therapies.
  • NORD - National Organization for Rare Disorders
    The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), a 501(c)3 organization, is a unique federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them. NORD provides information about diseases, referrals to patient organizations, research grants and fellowships, advocacy for the rare-disease community, and Medication Assistance Programs that help needy patients obtain certain drugs they could not otherwise afford
  • Nursing Calculators
  • Nursing Reference Center Plus
    Nursing Reference Center includes information about conditions and diseases, patient education resources, drug information, continuing education, lab & diagnosis detail, best practice guidelines, and more
  • NutriHealth
    NutriHealth is a specialist resource developed by the International Food Information Service (IFIS) to meet the information research needs of the medical nutrition community delivering the latest global developments in dietary sciences. Built using the world’s largest thesaurus of food and health sciences, Ovid Nutrition and Health is a carefully curated digital library of close to 500,000 records.
  • Open Food Facts
    Open Food Facts is a food products database made by everyone, for everyone. You can use it to make better food choices, and as it is open data, anyone can re-use it for any purpose. Open Food Facts is a non-profit project developed by thousands of volunteers from around the world.
  • Ovid Emcare
    Premium nursing and allied health database of over 5 million records across 3,700 journals
  • PubChem (was: Drug Information Portal)
    From the US National Library of Medicine. Searches more than a dozen sources for information about more than 12,000 drugs
  • PubMed
    PubMed provides access to the MEDLINE bibliographic database. If you are logged in to HEALWA, search results retrieved via this link will also link directly to any full text articles that HEALWA provides
  • Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source
    Designed for rehabilitation clinicians in a hospital setting, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source provides indexing for hundreds of sports medicine and rehabilitation journals, with records dating back to 1963. Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source includes access to more than 180 full-text scholarly titles in the discipline, including Journal of Rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation Reference Center
    Rehabilitation Reference Center (RRC) is an evidence-based clinical reference tool for use by rehabilitation clinicians at the point-of-care. RRC provides therapists with the best available evidence for their information needs in the areas of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and more
  • SocINDEX
    SocINDEX is the world's most comprehensive and highest-quality sociology research database. Its extensive scope and content provide users with a wealth of extremely useful information encompassing the broad spectrum of sociological study.
  • Substance Use Screening & Assessment Instruments Database
    This database is intended to help clinicians and researchers find instruments used for screening and assessment of substance use and substance use disorders. Some instruments are in the public domain and can be freely downloaded from the web; others can only be obtained from the copyright holder. The database doesn't provide copies of instruments, but links to contact and availability information are included if known
  • Travelers' Health
    from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • TRIP Database
    Turning Research Into Practice. Allows practitioners to search the web to find the best evidence in support of patient care
  • Veterinary Source
    Includes 256 full-text veterinary journals devoted to all aspects of animal healthcare. International in scope, it is an essential resource for veterinarians and veterinary assistants
  • VisualDX
    Clinical decision support system designed to enhance medical decisions, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety. Includes a comprehensive medical image library. Contact Patricia Devine,, to get a log-in for VisualDX.